Lazarus Wellness

The Path to Wellness

Our Learning Modules cover 6 core areas of health: Relationships, Nutrition, Environment, Mindfulness, Movement, and Sleep.

Each topic will give the employee another self care tool to build their wellness profile. These topics are cumulative in the sense that they build on each other. By the time a person has moved through each learning module they will gain a toolbox full of wellness strategies to move forward on the road to wellness.

Think of each module like a stone along the pathway of well-being. As cairns are stacks of stones to help hikers find their way in the wilderness, each module represents a stone. The goal is to begin to “stack the stones” by creating a personalized path that will optimize health and reduce the risk of poor health outcomes.

When a person completes each module they could be gifted as well as a grand prize for finishing all of the modules. The more modules a person works through, the more well they become. Encouraging someone to go through all six modules could be the greatest gift you could give them.

The modules can be shown to a group and followed up by group discussion or to individuals to review them at a time which fits into their work schedule. Each module is approximately one hour in length and may be broken up into smaller lessons and time frames so it may take up to a month for a person to complete all segments in that module. For example, six months is a good time frame to work through all the content of all of the modules as it would then permit time to implement the self care into their lives.

Core Areas

These six areas are core to sustaining our health and wellbeing and there are many ways for a person to promote their health using these self-care practices inspired by the teachings from the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine:

All of these core areas interplay with each other so only focusing on one of these areas may be beneficial but may not complete the path to wellness. Some of these modules may seem challenging but when put into action, great insight and profound transformation will happen.

Congratulations on beginning this journey, this path has been a life changing experience for me and I am compelled to share this with others. The greatest gift is to gift others with this wellness transformation opportunity.

Wellness Solutions

We offer several innovative solutions to increase the wellness of your employees. Click on a service below to learn more:


Lazarus "Be Well" Online Education

Learning Modules cover core areas of health: Relationships, Nutrition, Environment, Mindfulness, Movement, and Sleep

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Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention

Identify possible causes of workplace injuries followed by a hands on workshop to help move in an ergonomically sound way

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Health Coaching

Health Coaching

Help move the employee from unhealthy habits to wanting to create a healthier lifestyle

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Staff Training

Staff Training

Motivational interviewing (MI) training along with group coaching to increase employee productivity

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Light & sound technology to give your body what it needs to get back in balance and reverse the effect of stress

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Desire Wellness

Workplace Wellness

This amazing app will provide a fun and innovative platform to assist in the health & wellbeing of your employees.

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Workplace Wellness Solutions, LLC